Make more money with your fitness programs, the easy way

Ready to rapidly grow your client base?

Ascend Fitness is a digital platform where fitness professionals can create and sell programs, interact with clients, and take their coaching business to new heights!

Why you should choose Ascend

  • As a fitness coach, you’re likely aware of how unfair the industry is. You put in all the time and effort to get certifications, only for uneducated fitness influencers to make triple your salary on social media.
  • Even worse, you put your blood, sweat, and tears into helping your clients build their bodies only for your gym to take 60% of your profit.
  • Here at Ascend Fitness, we want to level the playing field.
  • With our app, you’ll be able to build your client base rapidly (without wasting your time chatting up every potential client in your gym).
  • Don’t have a program? No worries. With our online library, you’ll be able to build programs from scratch and monetize them with the click of a few buttons.
  • So, what are you waiting for? Click the button below to ASCEND to your goals!

Here’s how you can use Ascend Fitness to grow your business

  • Create your own programs

    You’ll have access to over 3,000 movements at your fingertips. Or you can create your own movements with your own branded images. Whichever is best for you and your clients.

  • Sharing

    Once you have your program(s) created, you can share them with your own engaged audience or the general public so you can generate more business.

  • Make money

    Sure, you want to help people get fit. But you want to make money too! Any time a client selects one of your programs, you get paid! You will also be able to view your weekly and monthly earnings (as well as ratings of your products) directly on the app!

  • Communicate

    Being able to communicate with your clients is a must to ensure they reach their fitness goals. But that doesn’t mean you have to give out personal information (like your phone number). Our app allows 1:1 communication with your clients so you can speak to all of them in the same place.


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Step-by-step fitness plans from the world's top trainers.

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